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5 Examples of Failed Leadership in Current Mitchell Administration


Charles Ryan Aggravated Assault Case

Under my opponent’s leadership, the Maricopa County Attorney’s Office has seen a devastating departure from justice. Her refusal to prosecute Charles Ryan, former director of the Arizona Department of Corrections, the same as she would similarly situated cases highlights a dangerous trend of neglecting legal standards and betraying community trust. Offering lenient plea deals, like stipulated probation without jail time for serious offenses, my opponent blatantly ignores established plea policies and undermines the very foundation of equal justice.

Accountability in justice should be blind, not selective. My opponent’s claim that she is “tough on crime” ignores the fact of her apparent inconsistency and preferential legal treatment. True justice requires uniform standards, not personal political decisions. My opponent ignored the police officer victims’ requests to reject this plea offer. Our police deserve better. We cannot send the message that if you point a gun at our police officers, you will receive probation if you have been drinking. This is not just a failure; it’s a direct threat to our community’s safety. Under my Administration, I will not allow a two-tiered system of justice. I pledge to treat similarly situated defendants the same and rebuild the integrity of the Maricopa County Attorney’s Office. I will also end the lenient diversion agreements and plea offers currently being given to offenders who assault police officers. I will stand firm and protect those who protect us 24/7.


Goodyear Case

My opponent continues to downgrade an alarming number of felony cases and send them to the cities for misdemeanor prosecution. Not only does this result in jail costs shifting to the cities, but most municipalities do not have supervised probation and are therefore unable to monitor or mandate the treatment needed to keep their community safe. One of the most tragic examples of downgrading felonies is the tragic Goodyear bicyclist case.

The cycling community will never forget losing two of their friends a little over a year ago when Pedro Quintano-Lujan drove through their group of 19 cyclists on their morning ride killing two. The Southwest community was shocked and devastated a second time when my opponent made the decision to turn down ALL felony charges. The facts of this case are shocking. The community demanded answers on how one person could drive over 19 bicyclists, killing two, not brake for over five seconds and not be charged with negligent homicide. Defendant had marijuana in his system and claimed his steering froze, but a vehicle analysis did not support his claim, and there was no mention of his failure to brake. To this day, the police, fire, and community cannot comprehend how the defendant’s actions, at a minimum, did not constitute negligence. The victims and their families were denied justice. This is one of several tragedies that compelled me to enter this race. I will not forget Karen, David and the surviving victims. I am honored to have the endorsement of the Goodyear Mayorand Town Council and the West Cycling Club.


Revolving door of repeat offenders of violent crime. 3 year old impaled over I10

A mother of four tragically lost her life and her three-year-old child was impaled on a fence over a freeway overpass in Phoenix. Her child is likely paralyzed for life. This tragedy is a stark testament to a system that is failing to protect innocent citizens in our communities. The unfortunate facts: the defendant, Dre Lewis, is a 23-year-old with a violent history, including Carjacking and Aiding and Abetting, was essentially let off the hook by the Maricopa County Attorney’s Office under my opponent’s watch.

Despite being charged with Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon and Disorderly Conduct, the defendant was offered a lenient plea deal for a year prison term for Disorderly Conduct and probation after prison for Aggravated Assault. His remaining allegations of dangerousness and on probation were dismissed. Defendant’s pattern of criminal behavior continued even after his release from prison. Multiple petitions to revoke his probation were filed, the latest being dismissed or ignored by the very system meant to protect us. Merely six weeks before this tragic incident that robbed a family of a mother and left a child in a dire condition, my opponent chose to dismiss the current petition to revoke defendant’s probation for his other new crimes of shoplifting and escape. This is not just a failure; it’s a dereliction of duty by my opponent which has had dire consequences for our community.

The question isn’t just about how many more victims it will take; it’s about why our current County Attorney has failed to protect the most vulnerable. The answer? A dangerous leniency and systemic breakdown that has allowed repeat offenders to roam free with little to no consequence. Maricopa County deserves better. You deserve better. As County Attorney, I pledge to stand up for justice and hold criminals accountable when they choose to not rehabilitate. I will end the practice of repeatedly dismissing petitions to revoke probation and reinstating probation to ensure the safety and security of our families. I will fight for a system that protects, not neglects. The time for accountability is now.


Officer stabbed in neck

A tragedy occurred in our community when a Phoenix Police Officer was attacked with a knife after a trespassing incident. Understanding the gravity of the attack, I am grateful this Phoenix Officer survived this attempted murder. Law enforcement officers across Maricopa County deserve more than thoughts and prayers from the sitting County Attorney. My opponent’s lax plea policies for repetitive and violent offenders continue to put law enforcement at risk and make our innocent community members more vulnerable than ever.

Liddell, who attacked the Phoenix Police Officer had two prior weapon (gun) charges. In one case he fired 15 shots into the air after chasing after a bus following an argument. In the second case he was pacing with a gun in his hand and found in possession of 40 fentanyl pills. Liddell pled guilty to both of his 2021 cases: the Unlawful Discharge, class 6 dangerous and a drug offense. The second gun count and other charges were dismissed under the plea. Liddell received a mitigated term of 1.5 years in prison with a probation tail, (period here) This plea allowed him to receive supervised probation after he was his release from prison. Liddell had 327 days credit for the time he served in jail pending his plea deal. As a result, he only went to prison for two months from July 21, 2022 to September 22, 2022 before beginning his supervised probation term. According to the presentence report, the probation officer noted the defendant was a threat to the community. My opponent had the information that since 2021 Liddell had substance issues, was a threat to the community, and had mental health problems. So what happened when Liddell repeatedly violated his conditions of probation and committed new felony drug charges? For decades prior to my opponent’s administration, Liddell’s probation would have been revoked; and he would have been sent back to prison or at a minimum he would have been forced to complete treatment. That did not happen. That is not the current practice or policy at MCAO. Liddell was arrested for possession of narcotic drugs on November 29, 2022, but again only sentenced to another term of probation on January 12, 2023. All of his prior felony convictions were dismissed as allegations against him along with the allegation that he committed the offense while on probation. This enabled him to receive a more lenient sentence. Liddell was arrested again for Possession Dangerous Drugs on March 1, 2023. Liddell had a warrant out for his arrest at the time and claimed he ran because he would go to prison for smoking methamphetamine. Despite the offense being a mandatory prison sentence based on his prior felonies and the fact that he committed the offense while on probation, on May 22, 2023, Liddell received probation yet again. Based on the stipulations in the plea agreement from my opponent, Liddell received only six months in jail with credit for 83 days already served. If treatment was the justification for this lenient offer, the stipulated sentence given by MCAO was insignificant to achieve this goal. Someone with years of addiction and mental health issues cannot effectively be rehabilitated only serving three months in jail before being released back to the community on August 27, 2023. It is unknown if Liddell ever complied with any of his probation conditions. The Court issued an arrest warrant for Liddell for violating his probation on February 21, 2024. Sadly, on April 7, 2024, Liddell attacked and stabbed the Phoenix Police Officer in the neck with a knife. Can we predict human behavior? No, we cannot. However, we can look for signs and evidence, as there were plenty of signs that someone is a high risk to reoffend, and whose behavior could lead to a situation in which an innocent police officer is injured. Mental health, substance abuse and weapons do not mix. The system under my opponent’s leadership failed our community’s safety, the Phoenix Police Officer and Liddell. Where were the interventions for Liddell’s mental health and substance abuse issues? We cannot continue to give individuals who repeatedly demonstrate they cannot rehabilitate on their own multiple opportunities to violate our laws and then just reinstate them to probation, especially someone with a history of violence. We can no longer sit back and watch individuals under the influence of illegal substances commit violent crimes against innocent victims. The answer must be to impose consequences with mandatory treatment and not merely to create a revolving door. We cannot afford four more years of these policies that put our police officers and community members in harm’s way.



Currently Diversion is being offered at unprecedented rates to serious felons, even when victims object.

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